On Friday, January 16th, Centerville's Mayor C. Mark Kingseed visited DIS to film for his television program "Centerville Business Today" that airs on channel 5 in Centerville.
A link will be posted when the DIS program is available. Until then, check out the local station here. Many thanks to the teachers, staff, board members, families and students who participated in the program and to Mayor Kingseed and his staff for their interest in DIS. |
Pictures from the Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony on September 19th, 2014
Professionals' Month at DIS
March 2012
We've had so many visitors this month: a physician, a social worker, a teacher, an engineer, a police officer, and more. The children were able to learn about a great variety of professions that contribute to our community.
Cultural event Jan. 10 + 24, 2012
activities and presentations for young children. Activities
and interactions will be age appropriate. The event is free to
attend, and limited to twelve students.
Reservations are required. Update: Limit reached on Jan. 10. Some space still available for Jan. 24.
We are excited to announce a truly unique practice session for a
select number of students: In collaboration with the Spanish Honor
Society at Centerville High School, three exchange students from
Argentina have preparedReservations are required. Update: Limit reached on Jan. 10. Some space still available for Jan. 24.
BIG NEWS: January 2012 Opening!
Dayton International School has a one-of-a-kind opportunity to open its doors in the very near future. We are in the fortunate position to acquire the Lingua buiding and materials at an incredibly low price. In addition, Lingua students will be the first DIS students, bridging the gap until full enrollment starts for fall.
Biggest hurdle: The first 6 months. We need to raise $19,000.00 to get us to June. After that, projections indicate no deficit in the following years. Please consider pledging money to help us achieve this goal! DIS is a non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible! We are so very close, and the forecast is so promising!
Biggest hurdle: The first 6 months. We need to raise $19,000.00 to get us to June. After that, projections indicate no deficit in the following years. Please consider pledging money to help us achieve this goal! DIS is a non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible! We are so very close, and the forecast is so promising!
Benefit Event at El Meson Feb. 25, 2011
What a great evening! Bill Castro and his staff provided a wonderful setting for the event. The food was delicious and everyone had an opportunity to meet board members, share success stories of immersion students, and get an update of the school's progress. We sold over 100 raffle tickets! Thanks to the strong support of the community we were able to add even more items to our raffle items and our silent auction.
A heartfelt "Thank You" from the entire board to everyone who attended or bought raffle tickets to support the school.
A heartfelt "Thank You" from the entire board to everyone who attended or bought raffle tickets to support the school.
December 2010
Marisol Pina and Susanne Jacobsen visited the closest comparable school in the area: International School of Indiana. ISI offers a French and a Spanish immersion track from Kindergarten through grade 12. It was such a wonderful experience! The teachers were incredibly accommodating and took extra care to answer all our questions.
ISI started with two classrooms in 1994 and now teaches around 450 students. Of the graduating class, 100% are college bound, and a great percentage is accepted at Ivy League schools. See more on that here: ISI Honors & Recognition
As expected, teachers use the foreign language exclusively and four months into the school year even Kindergartner's seem fluent enough to engage in conversation with the teachers. We also observed a first and a second grade, and the students' language and academic skills very impressive.
ISI is about a two hour drive from Dayton. There is an open house scheduled for February 10th for all of you who may be interested to see immersion in action!
ISI started with two classrooms in 1994 and now teaches around 450 students. Of the graduating class, 100% are college bound, and a great percentage is accepted at Ivy League schools. See more on that here: ISI Honors & Recognition
As expected, teachers use the foreign language exclusively and four months into the school year even Kindergartner's seem fluent enough to engage in conversation with the teachers. We also observed a first and a second grade, and the students' language and academic skills very impressive.
ISI is about a two hour drive from Dayton. There is an open house scheduled for February 10th for all of you who may be interested to see immersion in action!
May 2010: Yard sale fundraiser
Thanks to the help of numerous volunteers and generous donations, our fundraiser was a wonderful success. We raised $1047.00 - enough to cover the fees to file for non-profit status with the IRS.