About Us : Pictures & Videos
DIS featured on "Centerville Business Today" with Centerville Mayor Mark Kingseed
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"El ciclo de la calabaza" by a DIS Saturday School Student
A video of one of our students using her Spanish skills to talk to her grandmother on the phone:
"Becoming conversant in Spanish"
"Becoming conversant in Spanish"
A glimpse into one of our classes singing
"Los cinco sentidos/The five senses" |
Pictures from our Bookfair at Barnes & Noble Dec. 13th
Collecting Food for our Friends in the Philippines while learning about food groups and eating healthy. ¡Comer Bien!
Harvest Party 2013
November - Manzanas, Calabazas, y Maiz!
October Pictures
New pictures of the Saturday Class learning about the five senses. This week they learned about olfato/smell - they had to use the sense of smell to pair up the scent in each cup. They also learned about Gusto/taste. They were blindfolded as they tried different foods and had to guess what they were eating.